It was an own invention, the magnetic bow holder, that was the source of Joachim Fiedler’s inspiration for fasteners - adapting intuitive and quick use of the bow holder to facilitate countless everyday situations for users. Born was the idea for the first magnetic fastener that paved the way for FIDLOCK. If you want to know more about the idea behind our magnetic fasteners, you can find more information in the interview with Joachim Fielder or on our company page.
However, the magnetic bow holder was not the first patent of the inventive cellist. Everything started with a musician’s love for bicycles and cellos:

During his time as a professional cellist, Joachim Fielder wanted to ride his bicycle to his rehearsals and concerts. But how transport the cello? Of course, by carrying it on his back! Driven by his pioneering spirit, he started to tinker on a carrying system and introduced it to fellow musicians. Motivated by the positive reactions of his colleagues, Joachim Fielder founded the Fiedler Cases GmbH in 1995. To this day, Fidler Cases stands for high-quality cello equipment, such as the carrying system and the magnetic bow holder.
It was Fiedler Cases that set things in motion and started paving the way for FIDLOCK. It allowed a musician to become an inventor – an exciting story also featured in the FAZ. Learn more about Fiedler Cases in the “Jugend Schreibt” (translates to “youth writes”) article!!